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December 03, 2003



a chat room I've frequented for years has created a webpage. One of the webloggers posted a link to this page. I hope I am not intruding; then again, you did post in cyberspace. I have been working very hard on my own website. By "very hard" I mean, "I post". And by "my own website" I mean, "the webmaster gives out space to us chatters."


Of course, but is that the same thing as saying "I worked very hard, therefore I deserve an A--even though I didn't understand what I was working at"? (One could also add that, as a general rule, when in college one should be working hard.)


2 anecdotes about effort:

1) Earlier this semester, a composition student came in to see me about a draft. He was upbeat: "My roommate's going to be out of town this weekend, so I'm going to clear the decks and focus on this paper. I should be able to spend an hour on Sunday."

2) I'd never given a take-home exam before, but gave 2 this semester. I was surprised to find my students insisting that a take-home exam needed to be exactly the same format as the previous in-class exam (i.e., identify passages, then comment on them). By asking a synthesizing question--for instance, "Discuss, with an example of each, the formal differences between the Romantic lyric and the dramatic monologue"--I'd apparently violated some sort of contract with them.

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