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June 24, 2005



Hello Miriam. I really enjoy your blog.

The most satisfying Holmes pastiche is the one by Kingsley Amis; I think it's called "the Mystery at Darkwater Hall" or some such name. Now I think about it a bit more, it's perhaps more a parody of the continuation genre than a direct effort of imitation, because right up until the denouement it's playing that brainless Watson game for all it's worth, and very funnily. But there's a twist, which I'd hate to spoil for anyone who hasn't read it already.


Thanks for the review of these books! I was curious about them both, as an admirer of Chabon's Kavalier and Clay, and ... well, I don't want to say that I admired Carr's The Angel of Darkness, but I enjoyed reading three quarters of it and always regretted not having finished it. What do you think about those Holmes novels that are set in Minnesota? I've wondered if those are entertaining.

Michael Dibdin wrote a novel about Holmes being the Whitechapel Ripper that was interesting, but so extreme as to be self-defeating. (Who wants to read about Sherlock Holmes being the Ripper? Is it necessary to go that far to do something fresh with him?)

If you can recommend any mysteries set in the XIXth century, I'd much appreciate it. I work in XIXth century studies and really like period novels. (For some reason the Anne Perry novels don't do it for me.)

Janet Elaine Smith

I loved your comments on Mary, Queen of Scots. If you want a fun variation on a "what if" for her, please check out my timetravel, "Par for the Course." It's history like you've never seen it before!

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