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December 31, 2005


Rich Puchalsky

Your book-buying proclivities are by no means excessive. Over the same period of time during which you bought (according to your post below) 10 or so books at the MLA, I bought 50 SF titles. Admittedly they were only an average of $2.60 each.


Choice is not always reliable. They published a groundlessly negative review of Chomsky's The New Military Humanism by a CFR librarian.

Ray Davis

Bless you for prioritizing primary texts and translations.


Tertiary texts and foreign language originals are better still.


The post regarding the Choice review is incorrect; Chomsky's book was reviewed by S. G. Mestrovi'c, Texas A&M University, who recommended the book for "general readers, upper-division undergraduates and above." The negative review actually appeared in Library Journal.

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