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« The Progress of Morals: Day 7 | Main | The Progress of Morals: Day 8 (and Penultimate) »

June 25, 2006



Thanks for responding to my question! I think I might have had an idea about the first part -- assertions of recovering primitive purity have served Christianity more than once -- but I'd never have imagined the "converted by Joseph of Arimathea" angle.


I'm fairly sure that the priest at my former Anglican church, where I was baptised, gave about the same reasoning for establishing the pre-existence of our faith in England. It's nice to see the source of his argument.


let the legend live! es lebe der papst!

Curt Evans

I was interested to see your quoting of Canon Nugent Wade. I am writing a book on certain British detective novelists, including Henry Wade (Henry Lancelot Aubrey-Fletcher), one of Canon Wade's grandchildren (he took his surname pseudonym from his mother). Canon Wade later died at Aubrey-Fletcher's home. His sermon is something I would like to read!

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