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March 21, 2007



The snippet function is useless, particularly when it seems to provide a snippet of a blank page. However, I'm thrilled with Google Books (today at least) because they allowed me to get full access to a book that I would otherwise have had to travel to get to (which isn't feasible with my grad student budget, or working schedule). So it remains partially redeemed in my eyes...for now.

Bruno Cattivabrutto

Google Books is actually responsive when you email them with problems such as bad scans, etc.

I wish they would start adding 19th century periodicals--their coverage is extremely spotty. (I think they are just scanning books from the "book" collections of their member libraries, so they only pick up bound issues of magazines that got cataloged, such as early "Quarterly Reviews."


Ugh. I know.

I have emailed them about some of these issues (especially the journals without publication data) and they ARE responsive. In that they send a response. One that even appears to have been written by a real person.

We just have to keep hoping that one day this will translate into them FIXING the problem.


I rediscovered Google Books last week. The 19th century full-text library is amazing compared to what it was even six months ago. In one afternoon, I downloaded every single one of the hard-to-find texts I spent *months* tracking down - and far too much money on - for my first book...

Now all I need is a collector to sell my collection to...

What Now?

I love or hate Google Books depending on the extent to which they provide the particular text I'm looking for in the moment. I'm fickle that way.

The New Yorker had an article by Jeffrey Toobin on Google Books recently that addressed some of the "snippet" and copyright issues. Very interesting, I thought.

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