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March 27, 2007



This is a great list to have; I've only read a small handful of the works you list, so they're going on my reading list.

I agree with the comment on Newman; I think most people would be interested in Callista only to the extent that they are interested in Newman's ideas generally, although it has its moments. Loss and Gain's humor, on the other hand, has worn very well.

IMO, Edwin Abbott Abbott has some nice religious novels -- Onesimus, for instance. Very didactic, but, since he manages to avoid direct preaching, enjoyable (although, since I'm a big fan of didactic anything, my tastes here are perhaps not to be trusted). If we are willing to count things that are really quirky, his Flatland probably could be considered a sort of religious novel (he seems to treat it as such on occasion, anyway, and it certainly engages in some religious satire). And fun and quirky is the order of the day there, since it manages to be a readable novel in which all the characters are geometrical shapes.


That is splendid, thanks! I will run, not walk, to my library's ILL desk.


What a great list -- some I've already read and enjoyed, others I don't know and look forward to reading. I absolutely agree about Loss and Gain, one of my very favourite novels (and fascinating as a piece of social history, as well as being very amusing).

I have my own personal favourites, but most of them belong to the 'so bad it's good' category (like Charles Maurice Davies's deeply bizarre novel Broad Church). The only novel I'd seriously suggest adding to Miriam's list would be J.H. Shorthouse's John Inglesant, which is maybe a bit mannered but wins the reader over (or won me over, anyway) by its obvious sincerity.


I am myself a great Charlotte Yonge fan. Just speaking for myself, I think I'd start with _The Daisy Chain_ rather than _Redclyffe_. It's a tremendously interesting portrayal of an interesting family, and it could get you started on the "linked" novels (Yonge wrote a long series of novels with recurring characters who grow up, marry, have children, grow old)--which would give you a more-or-less permanent list of things to read.

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