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June 14, 2007



Do English profs always wear black? I thought brown tweed was the staple... Now, if you could felt cat fur and turn it into a jacket - that might give an extra point to humans.


14 June 2007

Of Fly Catchers and hidden lakes.

Of sleeping lizards and morning dew.

It is of birdsong and misty dawns

and fleeced clouds floating in a still pool.

The waters ripple awake in the gathering morn.

The first water birds head out for the far shore.


That is wonderful! Thank you.


Brilliant! :)


what fun!


English professors who own cats generally wear cat fur over their black, though.


great post and i've bookmarked's very helpful and fresh...u should write a book lol ;) with this kind of writing style..people are gonna love it...

Ustka Noclegi

I was searching the web for anything related to cats and I found this page...It's hilarious,I've bookmarked it and I will show it to my friends,they will enjoy it for sure;]


That is wonderful! Thank you.

Joe the Dog Lover

Cats are way better.

I disagree that English Professor has the advantage in #9 because "words have longer lasting effects." Words only matter if one reads the said words. Cats do not read. In combat with cats, the English Professor would be vanquished.


No, no Puplet. You're thinking of Algebra teachers. I left mine when Mr. Brown Tweed used his saliva to make thumb-print pool on syllabus and handed it to me.

Wounded In Michigan

re: #9 - I disagree. As a cat rescuer, I have been bitten and scratched by cats more often than I care to remember. The criticisms from my English professors have long been forgotten, but I can tell you which wild or just plain ornery cat inflicted each of the scars I bear.


I love the cats, they are so pretty and nice, i used to have my own, his name was shatran, but he got missed!!!! =(

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