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« Is this some other Victorian era I don't know about? | Main | The Biblicals »

August 07, 2007


Vance Maverick

That Mysteries passage is certainly heavily charged. Is the specific clue you're thinking of the phrase "single-breasted"? (A little further on, we have "His chest, which was very prominent"....) Or am I missing an even more insistent leer?

E.N. Vious

Or is it the boots and whip?


I figured it was the beautiful flower upon the manure heap.

Shows that it's not as easy to pick up on these things as I thought it would be.

Clio Bluestocking

This is almost NSFW!


Just tell 'em it's "culture." After all, it's George Eliot, W. M. Thackeray, Christina and D. G. Rossetti, Charlotte Bronte, A. C. Swinburne, George Meredith, George Moore...

Sycorax Pine

This is a fantastic list! And then, of course, there is all the symbolic piercing that goes on in "Dracula"...


"We have long passed the Victorian Era when asterisks were followed after a certain interval by a baby." (W S Maugham) but seriously - for almost obvious sex, look at Thomas Hardy! In "A Pair of Blue Eyes", Elfride rescues her man by hoisting him up a cliff using only her underwear...

Andrew Sellon

Of course there is a very different side to Victorian literature concerning sex, where one is not encouraged to 'complete the picture' by referring back to one's personal experiences.
Perhaps there are, amongst the blog readership, those students of more recherche Victorian offerings, such as those of Capt. Edward Sellon, 1818 -1886.


Great List..Great post, I look forward to reading what you're planning on next

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