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« Angelica | Main | We're late, we're late, for a very important date »

June 14, 2008


Amateur Reader

On the positive side, you can download your own pdf copy.

Bongo Chumunga

In the lower right-hand corner of your screen, Google offers you a chance to flag the page as being unreadable. I don't know what effect such flagging has, but an optimist might believe that it will result in some kind of correction.


In the case of this book, I'm afraid that my finger would wear out rather quickly from pushing the "flag" button :)


I don't what's the matter with everyone else. I just got home from having my pupils dilated by the eye doctor, and I can read it just fine. :)

perilla docta

This must be that non-Euclidean or anamorphic typesetting all the kids are talking about these days.

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