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October 25, 2008



Awesome post! I like that Mr. Hinson's girlfriend was named 'Death.' Inauspicious a little?


What a great post -- thank you.

Harry Benson was a con man who operated under the protection of the top detectives at Scotland Yard. The scandal resulted in the establishment of the CID.


A remarkable list and a remarkable effort of linkage. Thank you. Do you know if the proportion of criminals to figures famous for other reasons is much different in Tussaud's today? This seems like a heck of a lot of murderers.


Wordweaverlynn: Thanks!

Haruspex: It's been about a dozen years since I've been in the Chamber, but as I recall, the emphasis was much more "historical"--Victorian and Edwardian murderers like Dr. Crippen, the French Revolution folks, Guy Fawkes, gory representations of execution methods, etc.


Franz Felix Stumm was a London baker who was convicted of forgery in 1882, having forged cheques in the name of another London baker, Urban Napoleon Stanger. The interest of the case lay in the fact that Stanger had mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again, and Stumm was strongly suspected (though never convicted) of having murdered him (possibly aided and abetted by Mrs Stanger, who was later convicted of perjury in connection with the forgeries). The case was popularly known as the 'St Luke's Mystery Case'.


Sorry, forgot to add the link to the Stumm case (from the indispensable Old Bailey Online).


William Wheatley and James Wright were two burglars who had the misfortune to get caught by a policeman just after they had broken into a house in Islington. In the ensuing fracas Wright drew his revolver and shot the policeman in the thigh. They were charged with 'feloniously wounding with intent to murder' and convicted in 1884. Wright got life, Wheatley got twenty years.

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