(Free books are always welcome...)
- James Howard Kunstler, World Made By Hand (Grove, 2009). Apocalyptofic, upstate NY-style. (Lift Bridge)
- Patrick White, Voss (Penguin, 2009). Reprint of White's historical novel, tracking a nineteenth-century Australian explorer. (Exam copy)
- Michael Sims, ed., The Penguin Book of Gaslight Crime (Penguin, 2009). A rather slim anthology of late-Victorian/20th-c. tales about crooks of all varieties. (Exam copy)
- Barbara Hayley, Carleton's 'Traits and Stories' and the 19th-Century Anglo-Irish Tradition (Rowman & Littlefield, 1983). Puts William Carleton's Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry into their literary-historical context. (Amazon [secondhand])
- Margaret Keller and James H. Murphy, eds., Gender Perspectives in Nineteenth-Century Ireland: Public and Private Spheres (Irish Academic P, 1997). Collection of essays in a number of disciplines, including history, history of religion, literary criticism, etc. (Amazon [secondhand])