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October 27, 2009



You saw the juxaposition of Fanny's sewing and Keats' writing as an attempt at an examination of conflict? Seriously? Not as different creative expressions by two authentically creative people? I have to ask, are you a Jane Campion fan? Jane's films are much alike Keats poems in that they are beautifully crafted, stunning examples of art, but not bearers of message. One brings ones own self to find meaning there, if you feel you must. They are exhibits of the human intellect in play with unflinching human emotion.


I said "oppositions and conflicts," not just "conflicts." The film made no case for Fanny's sewing as an equivalent form of artistic expression--if anything, I thought the film wound up undermining whatever case it might be trying to make. I didn't see any of the intellectual clarity you're trying to ascribe to this film.

I have no feelings about Campion one way or the other.


Much as I love Keats's poetry, I have had a burning desire to see this film.

Believing this, "Of the Romantic Big Six, Keats appears to have been the nicest and most humane. This was good for his friends, but not so good for anyone trying to produce a conventional biopic," means that I also believe that his genius would be attributed to his unrequited love, his class, etc. which would must make me irritated.

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