What sound do I hear? The sound of readers wondering where on earth I went, I imagine. The physical "where" has to do with House the Trilogy, which had various, uh, issues that left me without furniture until (checks notes) mid-October and without unpacked books until (checks notes again) now. As in, I finished unpacking them on Tuesday (proper shelving has now commenced). The mental "where" followed on from the physical one, as I was admittedly rather depressed for a good chunk of the semester--and also really, really behind. Who would possibly have thought that finishing articles on time with no access to your library might be...hard? Impossible, even? In any event, I decided that while I could justify tweeting while I had articles overdue, I most certainly could not justify blogging.
*sigh* Anyway.
Here are the ongoing adventures of a full professor at a regional comprehensive college in Western New York:
- I taught two courses (I have a course release for administrative reasons; see below), one a seminar on early Gothic and the other Honors Composition. The seminar was an updated version of an earlier course, while composition was, as always, entirely new.
- This is my final year as associate chair (the associate chair's position runs concurrently with the chair's, and the chair decided not to come back for another term). There may be a further adventure on the horizon, however...
- I served on an ad hoc committee for promotion to full professor.
- I was on the graduate committee.
- I completed two commissioned articles, one on women writers and Victorian Unitarianism (awaiting editorial corrections) and one on the novel and religion for a Cambridge Companion.
- I sent back the proofs on an article that may annoy some historians. It is, appropriately enough, appearing in a history journal.
- I completed two book reviews.
- I delivered a paper at NAVSA.
- I signed a book contract.
Well done, and I wonder what that news is? I very much hope you are feeling better.
Posted by: nbmandel | December 26, 2019 at 08:00 PM
Welcome back!
I look forward to learning more about justifiably obscure, ill-written and cliched theological tracts masquerading as novels.
Posted by: ROGER | December 30, 2019 at 01:37 PM